Hello Animal Rescuers!
Realtors® to the Rescue is planning our First Annual BARK BALL on November 5th. It will be a fabulous pet friendly night with a full-open bar, delicious food from George Jewell Catering, great music and an AMAZING silent auction! We will have a super cool red carpet plus a photographer to snap you and your best friend all dressed up!
Our goal for our First Annual BARK BALL is to raise $75,000. These funds will go to YOU, our local area pet rescues and shelters to help pay veterinarian bills and provide financial support for the very important work that you do.
All we ask that you help promote the event by sharing the First Annual BARK BALL wherever you can, including your web site and Facebook
page. The more successful the event is, the more funds we will have available to continue assisting YOU, the rescues/shelters.
Our ticket registration has a “How did you hear about us” question, for guests to enter the name of the rescue/shelter that told them about the First Annual BARK BALL. We will tally the responses and offer a first, second and third prize to show how much your support means to us.
- 1st Prize– Rescue that has at least 30 registrants typing in their organization’s name will receive $3,000
- 2nd Prize– Rescue that has at least 20 registrants typing in their organization’s name will receive $2,000
- 3rd Prize– Rescue that has at least 10 registrants typing in their organization’s name will receive $1,000
Also if you know of any companies that might like to sponsor, advertise or donate to the First Annual BARK BALL please call or email me.
Best regards,