I had been hoping to find a compatible companion for my 2 year old female frenchie, Prema for about the past 6 months who according to the animal communicator, was open to another one. Since there are a lot of details that need to be in place for one that will fit in with us and vice versa, I just kept checking in at the various sites as we wanted to give a frenchie in need a good home.Then when Clarise came up and she happened to prefer small female dogs and was close in age to Prema that was a good sign, but when I saw that she also had the same birthday as my first French Bulldog Peach who I loved dearly and lost a few years ago, I had to wonder if that was a sign from the universe? (It usually takes an obvious one like that to get my attention.) Just the fact that they even knew it at all was unique and since most of the other details seemed to work both ways, we filled out the application and crossed our fingers.Then when Mary, Stephanie and Matt brought her all the way out here to see if they got along and they did we were happy to have her stay with us. She was a little nervous at first but now is my big funny girl who likes to be picked up and hugged like a rag doll, or lie across my lap when I’m on the computer. She is always at my side while Prema is happy to sit and look out the window!LeeAnn, Prema & Clarise