
    *Potential Adopters: Please note that at this time we do require anyone adopting from us to wear a N95 masks at their home visit/adoption. It is an essential part of our adoption process that we complete a comprehensive interview, observe the home environment and dynamic between household members and other pets, and thoroughly survey the home for safety and security. We have come to this decision exclusively as a result of our care and concern for the health of our volunteers and of course coupled with our desire to find the best placement for all of our dogs. Also applicants must be within a 2 hour driving distance from Chicago at this time. Please keep in mind, we are all volunteers who have full time jobs outside of rescue. Please allow at least 7 days to hear back from our Volunteer Coordinator.

    The following questionnaire is our way to get to know you. We are excited to learn more about your family and lifestyle and encourage you to be as thorough as possible with your responses. Because we receive many applications, approximately 50-200 applications per dog, we pay the closest attention to the applications that are thoughtful and completely filled out. Unfortunately, we cannot respond to all applications, however, if you have not heard from us within a couple weeks please send a message to make sure that we have received.

    We hold the information on your application in the strictest of confidence. Please plan to spend about 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire. 

    Which dog would you like to adopt?

    Why do you want to adopt a French Bulldog?*

    How did you hear about the Chicago French Bulldog Rescue?*

    If you have been referred to us by a personal reference such as a friend of the Rescue, a veterinarian, etc., please list the names of those people here:

    About Yourself

    Your Name*


    Primary Email Address*

    Home phone

    Mobile phone

    Work phone

    Home address:

    Street address*



    Zip code*

    Employment information

    Name of Employer*

    Your occupation*

    Employer’s address*


    Is there a co-applicant*  (spouse, fiancée, roommate or any other household member must be included here): 

    Co-applicant name

    Relationship to you

    Co-applicant age:

    Co-applicant email address:

    Co-applicant phone (if different than your phone):

    During the week, from the time you leave in the morning to the time you come home at night, how many hours are you away on an average day?*   (please check the option that applies to you)

    On weekends, how many hours are you away, on an average day?*  (please check the option that applies to you)

    Please indicate all of the activities you participate in outside of work

    Church/religious organizationGym membership/fitness activityVolunteer workSchoolSecond jobChildren’s activitiesNo activitiesOther

    if ‘other’ please tell us about your other activities

    What time do you typically leave your home to go to work?*

    What time do you return from work in the evening?*

    During the time you are away from your home on any given day, what is your plan for caring for your dog?*

    In what type of residence do you live?*  (please indicate the option that applies to you)

    How long have you lived at your current address?*  (please indicate the option that applies to you)

    How long do you intend to stay at this location?*  (please indicate the option that applies to you)

    Do you have stairs in your residence?*  (please indicate all that apply to you)

    Do you have air conditioning?*

    Please tell us about your home.*  (please indicate the option that applies to you)

    Please choose all of the following that most closely reflect the outdoor space at your residence.*

    Do you have a pool or body of water at or near your residence?*  (please indicate the option that applies to you)

    How many people (humans, not dogs) in total live in your home, including yourself?

    Are all household members in favor of adopting a Frenchie?* 

    Is anyone in your household allergic to pets? 

    How would you characterize your home?*  (please indicate all options that apply to you)

    if ‘other’ please specify

    How often do you have adult visitors?*  (please indicate the option that applies to you)

    if ‘other’ please specify

    How many children are in your home?* (please indicate the option that applies to you)

    What are the ages of the children in your home?

    Must the Frenchie get along with another dog in your home or a visiting dog? 

    If you answered yes to previous question, please tell us about your current dog(s). What are their age, sex, breed, temperament, etc.

    Which of the following special needs would you be willing to accept and handle?

    Are there additional details you’d like to share with us regarding special needs?

    What is the age of the Frenchie you are willing to adopt? Check all that apply:

    Must the Frenchie be good with children? 
    Yes, definitelyNo, it doesn’t matter

    Please tell us more about your experience with pets, or if this will be your first pet. Share your expectations (and fears!)

    Have you ever had a dog in the past? 

    Have you ever owned a French Bulldog? 

    What other types/breeds of dogs have you had? Describe

    How many dogs do you currently have?

    Have you ever had to give up a pet (dog, cat, bird, etc.) to a friend, relative or rescue in the past? Please explain.

    Have any of your pets been lost or stolen? 

    Have any of your current or past dogs been outdoor dogs? 

    For those dogs that are no longer with you, please indicate where they are now.

    We check veterinary references. Please provide veterinarian contact information for each of the dogs you have had in the past or for your current dogs.

    During which years did you take your dogs to this veterinarian or clinic?

    Do you have any other types pets? 

    If so- please tell us what they are:

    Are you familiar with common French Bulldog health issues? 

    Briefly tell us about the issues in which you are familiar concerning French Bulldog health issues.

    How do you plan to learn about common French Bulldog health issues? (please indicate the options that apply)

    Who will be the main caretaker for an adopted Frenchie?

    Where will you keep your Frenchie while you are at work or out of the home?

    How often are you away from your home on business or vacation travel?

    Who will care for your Frenchie while you are on vacation or business trips?

    Of the behaviors listed below, please indicate your feeling toward each. Please know that most all rescued bulldogs will exhibit some form of short-term behavioral issues.

    Will work on itNo Way

    Will work on itNo Way

    Will work on itNo Way

    No obedience training 
    Will work on itNo Way

    Peeing in house 
    Will work on itNo Way

    Pooping in house 
    Will work on itNo Way

    Getting on furniture 
    Will work on itNo Way

    Jumping when excited 
    Will work on itNo Way

    Will work on itNo Way

    Separation anxiety 
    Will work on itNo Way

    Pulling on leash 
    Will work on itNo Way

    Fear or timid behavior 
    Will work on itNo Way

    Aggression toward other dogs 
    Will work on itNo Way

    Will work on itNo Way

    Will work on itNo Way

    Aggression toward cats 
    Will work on itNo Way

    Anxiety around children 
    Will work on itNo Way

    How will you correct your Frenchie’s behavior?

    Please choose the statement you most agree with:*
    I am concerned about the cost of pet ownership, as I will need to watch my expenses.I have mild concerns about the expenses of owning a pet, but this is not likely to have a significant impact on my budget.I have no concerns about the costs of owning a pet and these expenses will cause little or no impact on my budget.

    How much do you anticipate spending on the following:

    Routine veterinary care
    monthly:   yearly:

    Emergency veterinary care
    monthly:   yearly:

    Specialty veterinary care
    monthly:   yearly:

    Behavioral/training classes
    monthly:   yearly:

    monthly:   yearly:

    monthly:   yearly:

    Boarding/pet sitting
    monthly:   yearly:

    Dog walking
    monthly:   yearly:

    Have you ever been charged with, or convicted of, a crime against an animal? 

    Have you ever sold an animal either as a breeder, broker or pet storeowner or employee? 

    Tell us about your “animal-friendly” organizations that you have been a part of either currently or in the past.

    Is there a particular Frenchie you are interested in? Which one and why?

    How will you exercise your Frenchie? We are active in our yard and also walks

    How do you feel about crating your Frenchie?

    French Bulldogs are in the top 5 breeds that are hard to housetrain- are you aware of this and realize you may have to work diligently with some of the rescue dogs to get them on your schedule! 



    Please keep in mind that once we receive your application:

    • We will review your responses

    • Check with your vet and other references

    • Will respond to you with either an acceptance or decline

    • We will then process all of the accepts and set up home visits

    • Our placement committee reviews all the info to help us decide which home would be the best for each Frenchie to be placed

    Best wishes,

    The Directors of the Chicago French Bulldog Rescue, Inc. NFP

    Mary Scheffke, Director and President
    Janie Jenkins, Treasurer
    Kathy Miranda, Secretary and Director

    Best wishes,

    The Directors of the Chicago French Bulldog Rescue, Inc. NFP

    Mary Scheffke, Director and President

    Janie Jenkins, Treasurer

    Kathy Miranda, Secretary and Director